A catchy business name helps customers remember the brand, which in turn leads to loyal customers who can easily make referrals. A memorable and effective name should be short and sweet, easy to spell and should sum up everything the business is about. When selecting a name, business owners should consider their brand as a […]
With technology advancements being made to just about anything you can think of, it is no surprise that vehicles are getting smarter each and every day. From rearview cameras that beep at the driver when he/she is too close to an object to driver-assisted lane departure warnings, technology has definitely enhanced car’s safety in recent […]
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Chances are if you are reading this, you are old enough to drive. With driving comes freedom to go where you want, when you want. Unfortunately, potential danger also comes along with driving – no matter how safe of a driver you are. In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 2.24 million car […]
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First off, let’s start off by stating the obvious, your vehicle is typically the second biggest investment you will make after your home. What does this mean to you? As with your home, it is your choice whether to maintain your investment or not. In a lot of cases, cosmetic preventive maintenance on a vehicle […]