MON – FRI 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Are you in the market for a new car and looking for the best deal?  You’ve probably already narrowed it down to the model, color, and dealership.  Now it’s time to make another big decision:  lease or own.  No matter what car you decide on, we are here for all of your car service and […]

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As you know Bumpers Etc. Auto Body & Collision specializes in all aspects of the auto body repair process, including collision repair, paint repair and dent removal. However, while we can fix your car when things go bump in the night, we can’t help you when things go a tad haywire in your home. But that’s where Home One Services comes in! We love the services that […]

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Do you remember back to when you were purchasing your car at the dealership? Did the sales representative mention a manufacturers warranty? Like most people, we get sucked into the moment of signing paperwork and we forget all about the warranty. But, what exactly does that warranty cover and will it replace damaged parts if […]

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Accidents can occur in under half a second. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), out of the 6 million car accidents that take place on U.S. roads every year, over 40% of them, which is around 2.5 million, are rear-end collisions. But how does your car recover from a fender-bender or other […]

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